Tel: 04 – 6721444 ext. 207
Senior Scientist (Emeritus)
Ph.D. 1983, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
At IOLR since 1987
Research interests:
Studies on bio-geo-chemistry with emphasis on nutrients (Carbon, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Selenium, Silica), sediments, and salinity issues in Lake Kinneret and in the Jordan River drainage basin.
Selected publications:
Nishri, A., Imberger, J., Eckert, W., Ostrovski, I., and Geifman, J. (2000). The Physical regime and respective biogeochemical processes in the lower water mass of Lake Kinneret. Limnol. Oceangr. 45:140-149.
Nishri, A., Zohary, T., Gophen, M. and Wynne, D. (1998). Lake Kinneret dissolved oxygen regime reflects long-term changes in ecosystem functioning. Biogeochemistry 42:253-283.
Nishri, A., Stiller, M., Rimmer, A., Geifman, Y. and Krom, M. (1998). Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), The effects of diversion of external salinity sources and the probable chemical composition of the internal salinity sources. Chem. Geol.158:37-52.
Nishri, A., Herbert, H.J., Jockwer, N. and Stichler, W. (1988). The Geochemistry of Brines and Minerals from the Asse salt mine, Germany. Appl. Geochem.3:317-33.
Nishri, A. (1984). The Geochemistry of Manganese in the Dead Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 7:415-426.
Nishri, A. and Stiller, M. (1984). Iron in the Dead Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.71:405-414.
Nishri, A. and Stiller, M (2014). Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Lake Kinneret. In Lake Kinneret Ecology and Management Chp. 23 Springer Verlag pp 397-415.
Nishri, A.(2014). Quantitative aspects of the Nitrogen Cycle in Lake Kinneret. In Lake Kinneret Ecology and Management Chp. 21 Springer Verlag pp 365-379.
Katz,A and Nishri, A. (2013). Calcium Magnesium and Strontium cycling in stratified hard water lakes, Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galille), Israel. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 105:372-394.
Nishri, A. Leibovici, E (2014). External Sources of Nutrients to Lake Kinneret. In Lake Kinneret Ecology and Management Chp. 19 Springer Verlag pp 329-346.