Tel: 04 – 8565275
Senior Scientist and professor
Ph.D. 1982, Tel Aviv University, Israel
At IOLR since 1988
Research interests:
We study marine invertebrates (emphasizing cnidarians [corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones’ and tunicates [primarily botryllid ascidians]). Studies are performed on the molecular, cellular, whole organism, the population and ecological levels. In addition, studies with applied aspects are performed on specific topics.
Cellular and molecular levels: Studies are conducted on marine invertebrates’ immunology and developmental biology, gene expressions, stem cells from marine invertebrates, developing of cell cultures from selected marine invertebrates and the impacts of UV-irradiation on shallow water marine organisms. Studies are also involved in various biological aspects of thraustochytrids (marine protists).
Whole organism level: We study astogeny in colonial marine organisms and blastogenesis in tunicates. In addition, studies are performed on colonial aging, regeneration (including whole body regeneration), torpor (hibernation, aestivation) phenomena and chimerism in marine organisms. Sexual reproduction of corals is followed for about three decades.
The population level: We study the population genetics of corals (in Eilat) and tunicates (worldwide studies) using molecular markers (microsatellites and COI). Studies are also performed on population characteristics of coral recruits in Eilat.
Ecological level: We study coral reef ecology and coral reef restoration. Recent studies engage aspects of marine-animal forests in Eilat and the Mediterranean Sea,
Applied aspects: Studies are performed on all biological levels of organization. A wide range of activities focus on the development of novel toolbox coral reef restoration. The topic of blue biotechnology is engaged with (a) molecular/cellular aspects, such as cell cultures from marine invertebrates that possess valuable compounds, searching for new strains/species of thraustochytrids with variable beneficial compounds (e.g., omega-3, PUFA, squalene, etc.) and (b) with carbon sequestering. Aspects of marine ecotoxicity are covered with activities performed on sea water genotoxicity (using the comet assay). Additional work is performed on DNA barcoding of the marine biota in Israel (Eilat and the Mediterranean Sea).
Selected recent (2022-2023) publications:
Qarri, A., Kültz, D., Gardell, A.M., Rinkevich, B., Rinkevich, Y. (2023). Improved media formulations for primary cell cultures derived from a colonial urochordate. Cells 12, 1709. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells12131709
Ben-Hamo, O., Izhaki, I., Ben-Shlomo, R., Rinkevich, B. (2023). The novel Orshina Rhythm in a colonial urochordate signifies the display of recurrent aging/rejuvenation sequels. Scientific Reports 13:9788. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36923-6
Heuertz, M., Carvalho, S.B., Galindo, J., Rinkevich, B., et al. (2023). The application gap: Genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service management. Biological Conservation 278: 109883.
Eroldoğan, O.T., Glencross, B., Novoveska, L., Gaudêncio, S.P., Rinkevich, B., et al. (2023). From the sea to aquafeed: A perspective overview. Reviews in Aquaculture 15, 1028-1057. DOI: 10.1111/raq.12740.
Ben-Hamo, O., Izhaki, I., Ben-Shlomo, R., Rinkevich, B. (2022). Fission in a colonial marine invertebrate signifies unique life history strategies rather than being a demographic trait. Scientific Reports 12:15117. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18550-9
Vidal-Dupiol, J., Harscouet, E., Shefy, D., Toulza, E., Rey, O., Alienne, J-F., Mitta, G., Rinkevich, B. (2022). Frontloading of stress response genes enhances robustness to environmental change in chimeric corals. BMC Biology 20:167. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915‑022‑01371‑7
Zhang, C., Shi, T., Liu, J., He, Z., Thomas, H., Dong, H., Rinkevich, B., (2022). Eco-engineering approaches for ocean negative carbon emission. Science Bulletin 67, 2564–2573.
Rossi, S., Bramanti, L., Horta, P., Allcock, L., Carreiro-Silva, M., Coppari, M., Denis, V., Hadjioannou, L., Isla, E., Jimenez, C., Johnson, M., Mohn, C., Orejas, C., Ramšak, A., Reimer, J., Rinkevich, B., et al. (2022). Protecting global marine animal forests. Science 376 (6596), 929. doi: 10.1126/science.abq7583.
Rinkevich, B., Ballarin, L., Martinez, P., Somorjai, I., Ben-Hamo, O., Borisenko, I., Berezikov, E., Ereskovsky, A., Gazave, E., Khnykin, D., Manni, L., Petukhova, O., Rosner, A., Röttinger, E., Spagnuolo, A., Sugni, M., Tiozzo, S., Hobmayer, B. (2022). A pan-metazoan concept for adult stem cells: The wobbling Penrose landscape. Biological Reviews 97, 299-325. doi: 10.1111/brv.12801
Martinez, P., Ballarin, L., Ereskovsky, A.V., Gazave, E., Hobmayer, B., Manni, L., Rottinger, E., Sprecher, S.G., Tiozzo, S., Varela-Coelho, A., Rinkevich, B. (2022). Articulating the “stem cell niche” paradigm through the lens of non-model aquatic invertebrates. BMC Biology 20:23. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-022-01230-5