Tel: (+972) 4-900-8249
Prof. (grade A+), Senior scientists
Ph.D. 1983, Zoological Institute, Leningrad, USSR
At IOLR since 1991
Research interests:
- Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHAB)
- Greenhouse gas emission; quantification of gas bubbles in water and sediments
- Sedimentation and sediment trap studies
- Fisheries acoustics
- Coupling of physical, chemical, and biological processes
- Productivity and population dynamics of aquatic organisms
- Remote sensing
Selected publications:
Dev P.J., Sukenik A., Mishra D.R., Ostrovsky I. (2022). Cyanobacterial pigment concentrations in inland waters: Novel semi-analytical algorithms for multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data. Sci. Total Environ.805: 150423
Katsnelson, B., Uzhanskii, E. Lunkov, A., Ostrovsky, I. (2022) Characterization of the gassy sediment layer in shallow water using an acoustical method: Lake Kinneret as a case study. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 20: 581–593.
Chu, D., Homma, H., Ostrovsky, I. (2021). Acoustic scattering by gas-bearing cyanobacterium Microcystis: modeling and in situ biomass assessment. Sci. Total Environ.794: 148573
Pershin, S.M., Katsnelson, B.G., Grishin, M.Y., Lednev, V.N., Zavozin, V.A., Ostrovsky, I. (2022) Laser remote sensing of Lake Kinneret by compact fluorescence LiDAR. Sensors 22: 7307.
Huang, Y., Chen, X., Liu, S., Lu, J., Shen, Y., Li, L., Peng, L., Hong, J., Zhang, Q., Ostrovsky, I. (2021). Converting of nuisance cyanobacterial biomass to feedstock for bioethanol production by regulation of intracellular carbon flow: Killing two birds with one stone. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 149: 111364
Ostrovsky, I., Wu, S., Li, L., Song, L. (2020) Bloom-forming toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis: Quantification and monitoring with a high-frequency echosounder, Water Res. 183: 116091
Wu, X., T. Yang, S. Feng, L. Li, B. Xiao, L. Song, A. Sukenik, I. Ostrovsky (2020) Recovery of Microcystis surface scum following a mixing event: insights from a tank experiment. Sci. Total Environ., 728: 138727.
Huang, Y., S. Liu, Y. Shen, J. Hong, L. Peng, L. Li, P. Xu, J. Hu, X. Chen, I. Ostrovsky (2020) Nitrogen availability affects the dynamics of Microcystis blooms by regulating the downwards transport of biomass. Harmful Algae 93: 101796.
Hozumi, A., Ostrovsky, I., Sukenik, A., and Gildor, H. (2020) Turbulence regulation of Microcystis surface scum formation and dispersion during a cyanobacteria bloom event. Inland Waters, 10: 51-70.
Lohrberg, A, O. Schmale, I. Ostrovsky, H. Niemann, P. Held, J.S. von Deimling (2020) Discovery and quantification of a widespread methane ebullition event in a coastal inlet (Baltic Sea) using a novel sonar strategy. Sci. Rep. 10, 4393: 1-13.
Uzhanskii, E., Katsnelson, B., Lunkov, A., Ostrovsky, I. (2020) Spatial and temporal variability of free gas content in shallow sediments: Lake Kinneret as a case study. Geo-Mar. Lett. 40 (4): 491–505.
Schmid, M., Ostrovsky, I., McGinnis, D.F. (2017) Role of gas ebullition in the methane budget of a deep subtropical lake: What can we learn from process-based modeling? Limnol. Oceanogr. 62(6): 2674–2698.
Katsnelson, B., Katsman, R., Lunkov, A., Ostrovsky, I. (2017) Acoustical methodology for determination of gas content in aquatic sediments, with application to Lake Kinneret, Israel, as a case study. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 15: 531-541.
DelSontro, T., McGinnis, D.F., Wehrli, B., Ostrovsky, I. (2015). Size does matter: Importance of large bubbles and small-scale hot spots for methane transport. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (3): 1268–1276.
Ostrovsky, I., M. Goren, J. Shapiro, Z. Snovsky, A. Rynskiy (2014) Fish biology and ecology. Chap. 16. In Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 273-292.
Ostrovsky, I., Y.Z. Yacobi, N. Koren (2014) Sedimentation processes. Chap. 27. In Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 485-497.
Ostrovsky, I., T. Zohary, J. Shapiro, Z. Snovsky, D. Markel (2014) Fisheries management. Chap. 36. In Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management. Springer, Dordrecht. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 635-653.
Recknagel, F., Ostrovsky, I., Cao, H. (2014). Model ensemble for the simulation of plankton community dynamics of Lake Kinneret (Israel) induced from in situ predictor variables by evolutionary computation. Environ. Model. Softw. 61: 380-392.
Recknagel, F., Ostrovsky, I., Cao, H., Chen Q. (2014). Hybrid evolutionary computation quantifies environmental thresholds for recurrent outbreaks of population density. Ecol. Inform 24: 85-89.
Ostrovsky, I., A. Rimmer, Y.Z. Yacobi, A. Nishri, A. Sukenik, O. Hadas, and T. Zohary (2013). Long-term changes in the Lake Kinneret ecosystem: the effects of climate change and anthropogenic factors. In Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies (Eds C.R. Goldman, M. Kumagai, R. D. Robarts), pp. 271-293. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Katsman, R., Ostrovsky, I., Makovsky, Y. (2013). Methane bubble growth in fine-grained muddy aquatic sediment: insight from modeling. EPSL 377-378: 336-346.
Recknagel, F., Ostrovsky, I., Cao, H., Zohary, T., Zhang, X. (2013) Ecological relationships, thresholds and time-lags determining phytoplankton community dynamics of Lake Kinneret, Israel elucidated by evolutionary computation and wavelets. Ecol Modell 255: 70–86.
Yacobi, Y. Z. and Ostrovsky, I. (2012). Sedimentation of phytoplankton: role of ambient conditions and life strategies of algae. Hydrobiologia 698:111-120.
Paul W.J., Hamilton, D.P., Ostrovsky, I., Miller, S.D., Zhang, A., Muraoka, K. (2012). Catchment land use and trophic state impacts on phytoplankton composition: a case study from the Rotorua lakes’ district, New Zealand. Hydrobiologia 698: 133-146.
Zohary, T., Ostrovsky, I. (2011) Ecological impacts of excessive water level fluctuations in stratified freshwater lakes. Inland Waters, 1: 47-59.
Sobek, S.Zurbrügg, R., Ostrovsky, I. (2011). The burial efficiency of organic carbon in the sediments of Lake Kinneret, Aquat. Sci 73: 355-364.
Ostrovsky, I. and Yacobi, Y. Z. (2010). Sedimentation flux in a large subtropical lake: spatiotemporal variations and relation to primary productivity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55: 1918–1931.
Ostrovsky, I. and Tegowski, J. (2010) Hydroacoustic analysis of spatial and temporal variability of bottom sediment characteristics in Lake Kinneret in relation to water level fluctuation. Geo-Mar. Lett. 30: 261–269.
DelSontro, T., McGinnis, D.F., Sobek, S., Ostrovsky, I., Wehrli, B. (2010). Extreme methane emissions from a Swiss hydropower reservoir: contribution from bubbling sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44 :2419-2425.
Ostrovsky, I. (2009) Hydroacoustic assessment of fish abundance in the presence of gas bubbles. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 7: 309–318.
Ostrovsky, I. (2009) The acoustic quantification of fish in the presence of methane bubbles in the stratified Lake Kinneret, Israel. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66(6): 1043 – 1047.
Rimmer, A., Ostrovsky, I., Yacobi, Y. Z. (2008). Light availability for Chlorobium phaeobacteroides development in Lake Kinneret. J. Plankton Res. 30: 765–776.
Ostrovsky, I. and A. Sukenik (2008). Spatial heterogeneity of biogeochemical parameters in a subtropical lake. In Monitoring and Modeling Lakes and Coastal Environments (P. K. Mohanty, ed.). Springer, Dordrecht: 79-90.
Ostrovsky, I., McGinnis, D. F., Lapidus, L., and Eckert, W. (2008). Quantifying gas ebullition with echosounder: the role of methane transport by bubbles in a medium-sized lake. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 6: 105–118.
Yacobi, Y. and Ostrovsky, I. (2008). Downward flux of organic matter and pigments in Lake Kinneret (Israel): relationships between phytoplankton and the material collected in sediment traps. J. Plankt. Res. 30: 1189–1202.
Ostrovsky, I. (2005). Assessing mortality changes from size-frequency curves. J. Fish Biol. 66:1624-1632.
Ostrovsky, I. (2003). Methane bubbles in Lake Kinneret: Quantification, temporal, and spatial heterogeneity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 48:1030-1036.
Ostrovsky, I. (2000). The upper-most layer of bottom sediments: sampling and artifacts. Limnology and Lake Management 2000+ (Advances in Limnology 55): 243-255.
Ostrovsky, I. and Yacobi, Y. (1999). Organic matter and pigments in surface sediments: possible mechanisms of their horizontal distributions in a stratified lake. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56: 1001-1010.
Ostrovsky, I. and Walline, P. (1998). Multiannual changes in the pelagic fish Acanthobrama terraesanctae in Lake Kinneret (Israel) in relation to food sources. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27 (4): 2090-2094.
Kalikhman, Y. and Ostrovsky, I. (1997). Patchy distribution fields: survey design and adequacy of reconstruction. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54: 809-818.
Ostrovsky, I., Yacobi, Y. Z., Walline, P., and Kalikhman, Y. (1996). Seiche-induced water mixing: its impact on lake productivity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41; 323-332.
Ostrovsky, I. (1995). The parabolic pattern of animal growth: determination of equation parameters and their temperature dependencies. Freshw. Biol. 33:357-371.
Kalikhman, Y., Ostrovsky, I., Walline, P., Gophen, M. and Yacobi, Y. Z. (1995). Distribution fields for aquatic ecosystem components: method of identification of correlation zones. Freshw. Biol. 34; 317-328.