Tel: 04 – 8565277
Ph.D. 1986, State Institute of Oceanography, Moscow
At IOLR since 1993
Research interests:
Marine thermohaline structures and circulation: formation, stability, long-term changes. Marine operational forecasting. Oceanographic data bases development.
Selected publications:
Gertman, I., Zodiatis, G., Murashkovsky, A., Hayes D., and Brenner, S. (2007). Determination of the location of southeastern Levantine anticyclonic eddies from CTD data. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. (CIESM Congr. Proc.) 38:151.
Brenner, S., Gertman, I. and Murashkovsky, A. (2007). Preoperational ocean forecasting in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea: Implementation and evaluation of the models and selection of the atmospheric forcing. J. Mar. Syst. 65:268-287.
Gertman, I.,Pinardi, N., Popov, Y. and Hecht, A. (2006). Aegean Sea water masses during the early stages of the Eastern Mediterranean climatic transient (1988-1990). J. Phys. Oceanog. 36:1841-1859.
Hecht, A. and Gertman, I. (2003). Dead Sea Meteorological Climate. In: Fungal Life in the Dead Sea (Biodiversity of Cyanoprocaryotes, Algae and Fungi of Israel, 4). Nevo, E, Oren, A. and Wasser, S.P. (Eds). A.R.G. Ganter pp. 68-114
Gertman, I. and Hecht, A. (2002). The Dead Sea Hydrography from 1992 to 2000. J. Mar. Sys. 35:169-181.
Gertman, I. and Hecht, A. (2002). Annual and long-term changes in the salinity and the temperature of the waters of South-eastern Levantine Basin. CIESM 2002. Tracking long-term hydrological change in the Mediterranean Sea. Monaco, 22-24-April 2002. CIESM Workshop series, 16:75-78.
Ivanov, V.A., Lyubartseva, S.P., Mikhailova, E.N., Shapiro, N.B. and Gertman, I.
(2002). Model of the Dead Sea simulation of the variability of the thermohaline water structure in 1992–2000. Phys. Oceanog. 12:237-256.
Hecht, A. and Gertman, I. (2001). Physical features of the Eastern Mediterranean resulting from the integration of POEM data with Russian Mediterranean Cruises. Deep Sea Res. I 48:1847-1876.
Gertman. I., Ovchinnicov, I.M. and Popov, Yu.I. (1994). Deep convection in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Oceanology, 34:19-25.
Gertman, I. and Golubeva, Z. (1988). Simulation of the reaction of the thermohaline structure of the Black Sea to alternative tendencies of river flows. Res. J. State Inst. Oceanog. 189:54-65.