Tel: 04 – 9008256
Senior Scientist
Ph.D. 2004, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
At IOLR since 2015
Research interests:
Microbial ecology, microbial pathogens in the environment, Legionella pneumophila, bacteria-protozoa relationships, aquatic microbiology, molecular ecology.
Selected publications:
Kolan, D., Cattan-Tsaushu, E., Enav, H., Freiman, Z., Malinsky-Rushansky, N., Ninio, S., & Avrani, S Tradeoffs between phage resistance and nitrogen fixation drive the evolution of genes essential for cyanobacterial heterocyst functionality. ISME J 18, wrad008 (2024).
Bergman, O., Be’eri-Shlevin, Y. & Ninio, S. Sodium levels and grazing pressure shape natural communities of the intracellular pathogen Legionella. Microbiome 11, 167 (2023).
Astrahan, P., Lupu, A., Leibovici, E. & Ninio, S. BTEX and PAH contributions to Lake Kinneret water: a seasonal-based study of volatile and semi-volatile anthropogenic pollutants in freshwater sources. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 61145–61159 (2023).
Lang-Yona, N., Alster, A., Cummings, D., Freiman, Z., Kaplan-Levy, R., Lupu, A., Malinsky-Rushansky, N., Ninio, S., Sukenik, A., Viner-Mozzini, Y. and Zohary, T. Gloeotrichia pisum in Lake Kinneret: A successful epiphytic cyanobacterium. J Phycol 59, 97–110 (2023).
Marin, C., Kumova, O. K. & Ninio, S. Characterization of a novel regulator of biofilm formation in the pathogen Legionella pneumophila. Biomolecules 12, 225 (2022).
Genitsaris, S., Stefanidou, N., Beeri-Shlevin, Y., Viner-Mozzini, Y., Moustaka-Gouni, M., Ninio, S., & Sukenik, A. Air-dispersed aquatic microorganisms show establishment and growth preferences in different freshwater colonisation habitats. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 97, fiab122 (2021).
Ninio, S., Lupu, A., Eckert, W., Ostrovsky, I., Viner Mozzini, Y., & Sukenik, A. Metalimnetic chlorophyll maxima in Lake Kinneret-Chlorobium revisited. Freshw Biol 66, 468–480 (2021).
Ninio, S., Lupu, A., Viner-Mozzini, Y., Zohary, T. & Sukenik, A. Multiannual variations in Microcystis bloom episodes–Temperature drives shift in species composition. Harmful Algae 92, 101710 (2020).
Amalfitano, S., Corno, G., Eckert, E., Fazi, S., Ninio, S., Callieri, C., Grossart, H.-P., & Eckert, W. Tracing particulate matter and associated microorganisms in freshwaters. Hydrobiologia 800, 145–154 (2017).
Ninio, S. & Roy, C. R. Effector proteins translocated by Legionella pneumophila: strength in numbers. Trends Microbiol 15, 372–380 (2007).