Tel: 04-8565225
Ph.D. 2010, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
At IOLR since 2014
Research interests:
Marine sedimentological processes include sediment fluxes, transport, accumulation, and geochemical interactions with the water column.
Timor’s current studies exploring: biogenic and lithogenic sediment transport across the shore to deep sea continuum, particle fluxes down the water column, turbidity currents from rivers and in submarine canyons Terrestrial sediments discharge of into the Gulf of Aqaba from desert flash floods and post-deposition processes. biological resuspension and the marine silica cycle.
Selected publications (2015-2024):
(* = supervised student or post-doc)
Katz T., Ginat H., Eyal G., Steiner Z., Braun Y., Shalev S. and Goodman-Tchernov B. N. (2015) Desert flash floods form hyperpycnal flows in the coral-rich Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 417, 87–98.
Goodman Tchernov B., Katz T., Shaked Y., Qupty N., Kanari M., Niemi T. and Agnon A. (2016) Offshore Evidence for an Undocumented Tsunami Event in the “Low Risk” Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat, Northern Red Sea. PLoS One 11, e0145802.
Katz T., Yahel G., Tunnicliffe V., Herut B., Whitney F., V.R. Snelgrove P. and Lazar B. (2016) The silica cycle in a Northeast Pacific fjord; the role of biological resuspension. Prog. Oceanogr. 147, 10–21.
Rahav E., Paytan A., Chien C., Ovadia G., Katz T. and Herut B. (2016) The impact of atmospheric dry deposition associated microbes on the southeastern Mediterranean Sea surface water following an intense dust storm. Front. Mar. Sci. 3, 127.
Tyuleneva N., Braun Y., Katz T., Suchkov I. and Goodman-tchernov B. (2017) A new chalcolithic-era tsunami event identified in the off shore sedimentary record of Jisr al-Zarka ( Israel ). Mar. Geol.
Katz, T., Crouvi, O. (2018) Sediment flux dynamics over the shallow (25 m depth) shelf of the Mediterranean Sea along the Israeli coast. Marine Geology. 406, 1-11.
*Mathalon, A., Goodman-tchernov, B., Hill, P., Kálmán, Á., Katz, T#. (2019). Factors influencing flash flood deposit preservation in shallow marine sediments of a hyperarid environment. Mar. Geol. 411, 22–35.
*Alkalay, R., Zlatkin, O., Katz, T#., Herut, B., Halicz, L., 2020. Carbon export and drivers in the southeastern Levantine Basin. Deep. Res. Part II 171, 104713.
Avnaim-katav, S., Herut, B., Rahav, E., Katz, T., Weinstein, Y., Alkalay, R., Berman-frank, I., Zlatkin, O., Almogi-labin, A., 2020. Sediment trap and deep sea coretop sediments as tracers of recent changes in planktonic foraminifera assemblages in the southeastern ultra-oligotrophic Levantine Basin. Deep. Res. Part II 171, 104669.
*Kalman, A., Katz, T., Hill, P., Goodman-Tchernov, B., 2020. Droughts in the desert: Medieval Warm Period associated with coarse sediment layers in the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat, Red Sea. Sedimentology 67, 3152–3166.
Katz, T., Weinstein, Y., Alkalay, R., Biton, E., Toledo, Y., Lazar, A., Zlatkin, O., Soffer, R., Rahav, E., Sisma-ventura, G., Bar, T., Ozer, T., Gildor, H., Almogi-labin, A., Kanari, M., Berman-frank, I., Herut, B., 2020. The first deep-sea mooring station in the eastern Levantine basin (DeepLev), outline and insights into regional sedimentological processes. Deep. Res. Part II 171, 104663.
Stern, N., Alkalay, R., Lazar, A., Katz, T., Weinstein, Y., Berman Frank, I., Herut, B., 2020. Unexpected massive enmeshments of the Sharpchin barracudina Paralepis coregonoides Risso, 1820 in mesopelagic sediment traps in the Levantine Basin, SE Mediterranean Sea. /mms.20747. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 21, 47–51.
*Jaijel, R., Goodman Tchernov, B.N., Biton, E., Weinstein, Y., Katz, T., 2021. Optimizing a standard preparation procedure for grain size analysis of marine sediments by laser diffraction (MS-PT4SD: Marine sediments-pretreatment for size distribution). Deep. Res. Part I Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 167, 103429.
Oron, S., Sadekov, A., Katz, T., Goodman-Tchernov, B., 2021. Benthic foraminifera geochemistry as a monitoring tool for heavy metal and phosphorus pollution — A post fish-farm removal case study. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 168, 112443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112443
Sisma-ventura, G., Herut, B., Silverman, J., Katz, T., Rubin-Blum, M., Rahav, E., 2021. P Fluxes and Prokaryotic Cycling at Benthic Boundary Layer in the Deep Southeastern Mediterranean Sea. J. Geophys. Res. biogeosciences 126, 1–11.
Zirks, E., Krom, M., Schmiedl, G., Katz, T., Xiong, Y., Alcott, L.J., Poulton, S.W., Goodman-Tchernov, B., 2021. Redox evolution and the development of oxygen minimum zones in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine basin during the early Holocene. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 297, 82–100.
*Kalman, A., Goodman-tchernov, B., Hill, P., Everhardt, C., Mathalon, A., Katz, T., 2022. Anthropogenic changes in waterways produce " drought-like " layers in shelf sediments. Elem Sci Anth 2030, 1–19.
Sahoglu, V., Sterba, J.H., Katz, T., Tyuleneva, N., Bichler, M., Erkanal, H., Goodman-Tchernov, B.N., 2022. Volcanic ash, victims, and tsunami debris from the Late Bronze Age Thera eruption discovered at C¸es¸me-Ba_glararası (Turkey). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119, 1–8.
Bialik, O., Sisma-Ventura, G., Silverman, J., Katz, T., 2022. Role of oceanic abiotic carbonate precipitation in future atmospheric CO2 regulation. Scientific Reports. 12:15970
Katz, T., Katsman, R., Kalman, A., Goodman-tchernov, B., 2022. Evolution of sediment grain-size profiles on a sheltered, continental shelf in response to punctuated flood deposition. Cont. Shelf Res. 251, 104868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2022.104868
*Jaijel, R., Biton, E., Weinstein, Y., Ozer, T., Katz, T., 2023. Observations of turbidity currents in a small, slope-confined submarine canyon in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 604, 118008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118008
Herut, B., Guy-haim, T., Almogi-labin, A., Katz, T., Avnaim-katav, S., 2023. Marine oligotrophication due to fine sediments and nutrient starvation caused by anthropogenic sediment and water retention in large rivers : the Nile damming case. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1226379, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1226379
Sisma-ventura, G., Silverman, J., Guy-haim, T., Stern, N., Shachnai, A., Mar, M., Abu, M., Jacobson, Y., Segal, Y., Katz, T., Herut, B., 2024. Accumulation of total mercury in deep-sea sediments and biota across a bathymetric gradient in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea. Chemosphere 351, 141201. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141201
*Alkalay, R., Weinstein, Y., Herut, B., Ozer, T., Zlatkin, O., Bar, T., Frank, I.B., Katz, T., 2024. Temporal Pattern and Profile of a Coastal ‐ Deep Sea Conveyor at a Marginal Deep Oligotrophic Sea. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. 129, e2023, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JC020441
Haim, N., Grigorieva, V., Soffer, R., Mayzel, B., Katz, T., Alkalay, R., Biton, E., 2024. Multiyear surface wave dataset from the subsurface “DeepLev” eastern Levantine moored station. Earth Syst. Sci. data 16, 2659–2668.
Katz, T., Bookman, R., Herut, B., Goodman-tchernov, B., Sisma-, G., 2024. Far-field effects of the Nile damming on the silica cycle in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea. Sci. Total Environ. 921, 171274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171274